specialized to inform consumers about how to use credit wisely, credit card offers, and occasional posts humorous insight into the crazy world of credit. is designed for those with very good credit who will benefit from the initial offer and platinum benefits. Card holders have access to a number of common platinum benefits such as automatic car rental insurance, various travel and emergency assistance services, purchase protection, and various security features.
The most attractive benefit of this credit card is 0% introductory rate offered for the first six billing cycles and applies to purchases, balance transfers and cash advances. Furthermore, there is no annual fee and the interest rate for purchases and balance transfers is reasonable after the initial rate expires. Therefore, those who qualify for the lowest rate available, is not looking for any special benefits or services, and plan to take advantage of the initial offer will benefit the most credit cards.
The most attractive benefit of this credit card is 0% introductory rate offered for the first six billing cycles and applies to purchases, balance transfers and cash advances. Furthermore, there is no annual fee and the interest rate for purchases and balance transfers is reasonable after the initial rate expires. Therefore, those who qualify for the lowest rate available, is not looking for any special benefits or services, and plan to take advantage of the initial offer will benefit the most credit cards.
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